• A lot of styling technology knowing, creativity and good mobility in web designing. I work with a lot of preprocessors such as: SASS, Stylus, Less, good naming convention using BEM technic, and much more!
    CSS3 96%
  • Good knowing of HTML5 tags and attributes, that allows me to develop applications with good SEO
    HTML5 94%
  • Learning the best of Javascript, ES5 and ES6 at the fullest, running through the road to Senior level. Embracing new challenges and seeking for the best practices to achieve the clean code God level.
    JS 69%
  • Knowing about version control using GIT commands and familiarity with a several agile methodologies that have the same basic principles as GIT.
    GIT 86%
  • Learning about this JS Library and building Apps with joy. This is the main Library/Framework I use. I'm using it and studying about it grouping other technologies that make it powerful, such as NextJS and TypeScript.
    REACTJS 72%
  • Figma, SCRUM, KANBAM, VTEX, Angular Framework, NodeJS, SQL, Adobe Illustrator, MVC, UML, Vanilla, Linux, Bootstrap, Excel, Firebase, JSX, POO, PowerShell, MySQL, Styled-Components, WebGL, ThreeJS etc and etc.
Tap on my skills, Am I that good?
Hover on my skills, Am I that good?